Online Resources
State Center Newspaper & Yearbook Archives
Through a generous grant from the Kaufmann Trust, and a partnership between Gutekunst Public Library and the Mid Iowa Enterprise, historic records of the State Center newspapers and high school annuals are now available online. The newspapers date back to 1865, encompassing all available papers from the State Historical Society's microfilm collection, as well as copy righted issues dating from 1977 to 2018, courtesy of Greg Gilgen and Christine Davis.
To ensure best results, do an "advanced search." By clicking on "city" under "advanced search," you can then access different publications. All annuals are included in "State Center."
People's Law Library of Iowa
The People's Law Library of Iowa is your source for information about Iowa's laws on topics like family law, landlord/tenant law, consumer law and more. No legalese, just easy-to-understand information. Click on the logo to access information on researching legal issues, links to legal forms and direct access to a law librarian.
State Historical Society of Iowa
Numerous indexes, records and publications in the collections are available online. Through partnerships with various organizations you can access digitized maps, publications, newspapers, vital records and much more, including access to NewspaperArchives Iowa Database. Click the Historical Society logo to link to their website.
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